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HERWorld Energy Forum 2017

Nairobi, Kenya Agenda

2017 Theme: The Next Era of Energy: Lean In, All In, Join In





March 8 2017 – International Women’s Day


The evidence of dramatic change is all around us and it’s happening at exponential speed. The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the systemic changes it will usher in emphasize more than ever the critical need for collaborative engagement around energy. The industry, as a whole, is entering the dawn of a new era of transition and transformation.


In its second installment, the Pink Petro HERWorld Energy Forum have partnered with WEX Africa to address the energy transition, digital technology, workforce needs and opportunities, and the gender gapHW2017’s main stage will be in Houston, Texas on the campus of Rice University at the Jones Graduate School of Business in the Shell Auditorium and the Golden Tulip Hotel Westlands serving as the HUB for Africa LIVE from Nairobi, Kenya.  


We will broadcast to cities, again, globally to bring together energy professionals in a unique learning and relationship building setting. Private and public events will be held worldwide and members and others can participate from any internet connected device.


The live main stage for Africa broadcast is located in Nairobi, Kenya - 8:00 AM Wednesday, Kenya (GMT+3)


*The live main stage broadcast is located in Houston, Texas USA – Central Time Zone

5:00 AST|  6:00 PT | 7:00 MT | 8:00 CT | 9:00 ET| 14:00 GMT | 15:00 CET | 16:00 UTC | 1:00+ day AEDT


Public Events (Africa) 

Nairobi, Kenya Agenda:  08:00 AM March 8 UTC Time Zone


Public Events (USA)

Mainstage Houston and Online Experience Agenda

Denver, Colorado Agenda

Baton Rouge, Louisiana Agenda

West Virginia/Ohio/Pennsylvania Marcellus Agenda

Follow our social channels all day to get content from multiple cities.


Private Events (Worldwide)


We’re holding events in 22 cities in classrooms, rigs, plants, and conference rooms across the globe with women’s groups from Shell, GE Oil & GAs, Spectra Energy, Halliburton, Enbridge and other companies.

To plan effectively, feel free to use this timezone converter.





HERWorld Energy Forum 17 

Nairobi, Kenya Agenda



7:00 AM – 8:00 AM              Registration / Check In


8:00 – 8:30 AM                     Welcome


Anchor for event – Joe Watson Gakuo - The Upstream Magazine (c)


GM of Golden Tulip Nairobi - Bernard Fernandez

CEO of WEX Africa – Lucky Okudo (c)


8:30 – 9:00 AM                     Keynote


The Next Era of Energy “Lean In, All In, Join In”


Eke U Eke (Former Vice President and Group MD of Schlumberger West Africa and Chairman of the Spring Rock Energy Group (c)


Eke is an Oilfield Executive who gained a vast wealth of technical and management experience from working in a variety of positions, regions and International markets across the globe. His career includes more than 13 years with the Wireline business Segment of Schlumberger where he held various positions including being the General Manager of Schlumberger Wireline India and subsequently the Marketing Manager for Europe, Africa and Caspian where he was responsible for driving the business development strategy. Eke, then moved away from Operations into a position in Schlumberger Personnel and Human Resources where he was the Oilfield Services Training Manager for Middle East and Asia.


In April 2010, he was appointed Vice President and Group Managing Director for Schlumberger Oilfield Service group of businesses in West Africa covering 16 countries. In this role he was responsible for restructuring the business in the region and for the deployment of a strategy that resulted in a resurgence of business growth.


Then in April 2015, Eke was appointed Schlumberger Group Vice President for International Clients, based in Houston Texas, United States. In this role he was responsible for the Management of all Clients who were operating from the United States with and gas activities that are outside of the United States.


In January 2016, Eke joined SpringRock Group as the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. He is currently overseeing the expansion of the six business groups of SpringRock. His leadership has brought about new products and new business models into the industry and these are rapidly being deployed by the SpringRock Group across Africa. He is also driving geographical business expansion with an ongoing business development effort aimed at entering into the E&P play in Africa and Asia.


9:00 – 9:45 AM                     Leaning into the Energy Transition – Panel Discussion I


Within the past decade, the notion of an “energy transition” emerged. However, we still often have trouble understanding what it means, its key challenges, and applications. With the move from oil and coal based energies to new fuels, transportation and distribution options, what does the future like?


Moderator: Joyce Misoi (c)

Adero Okudo – Transactional Advisor & CEO of Catalyst Capital LLC (c)

Anzetse Were - Development Economist (c)

Anastacia Ngatti - Environmental & Social Services - GIBB International 


9:45 AM – 10:15 AM                       Networking | Tea Break



10:15 AM – 11:00 AM                   Leaning into the NextGen Skillbuilding – Panel Discussion II


With the developments in the energy and extractive industries respectively in East Africa How can we prepare for a workplace of the future if we’re not quite sure what it will look like? What skills or expertise should young professionals and students focus on acquiring today if they want to succeed tomorrow?


Moderator: TBA

Jean Githinji -  Senior Manager Energy and Natural Resources - KPMG (waiting to be confirmed)

Eke U Eke – Chairman & CEO - SpringRock Energy Group (c)

Susan Munyori –  Local Content Manager - Tullow Oil (c)

Brian Muriuki – Country Manager - Shell Kenya (c)


11:00 AM – 11:45 AM         The Fourth Industrial Revolution & Digital Transformation III


Every day we see the emergence of new technologies. And every day we see a widening gap between progress and society’s ability to cope with its consequences. The digital revolution is changing the way we do everything – work, live, and learn. How is technology playing a role in energy? How is the physical and digital world coming together to transform the economy?


Moderator: TBA

Charles Wanguhu - Coordinator - KCSPOG (c)

Lydia Kariuki – Asset Coordinator - Haliburton (c)

Matthew Mwenga – Drilling Solutions Engineer -National Oilwell Varco (c)



11:45 AM – 12:30 PM                              Join In:  A Call to End the Gender Gap IV


The world of work is changing faster and more drastically than at perhaps any other time in recent history. The energy sector must embrace the changes the Fourth Industrial Revolution is creating. With this transition are great opportunities for the workforce.  In 2016 at Davos, 22 oil and gas CEOs signed a Call to Action to End the Gender Gap.  Later that year, WEX Africa and the Pink Petro community of professionals and executives crowdsourced a response. WEF, Pink Petro and WEX Africa are forming a partnership to bring about systemic cultural change across the industry.


Moderator:  Lucky Okudo (c)

Miriam Gachago - Gender Consultant (c)

Jacinta Okwaro – UNWomen (c)

Ikal Angelei – FoLT (c)

Dr. Connie Muma Martinon - Total (c)



12:30 PM – 13:15 PM                Managing Career Transition & Attracting the NextGeneration V


With over 350,000 jobs being slashed within the oil and gas industry worldwide after the drop in price from $115 barrel in 2014 to $55 currently in March 2017. How are people adjusting to the new price era and how does one survive in these harsh conditions.  Many companies now face a skills shortage and now ponder on what they need to do to attract the next generation. What are the challenges being faced and how can they be overcome?                    


Moderator: Sharon Machira - K24 

Nelson Lutta SPE Kenyatta University Chair (c)

Hannah – KIPPRA (c)

Beverley Lamenya – State Counsel (c)

Kevin Doyle - Hands on the Future National TVET Conference 


13:30 – 16:00 PM                   Join In:  Owning the Energy Conversation Refreshments and Networking  




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